THE SOUNDS OF HER CHEWING IS SO DISGUSTING eeeeuuughhhhhhhhh i hate when her fetish content pops up on my fyp, i cannot even watch more than a few seconds without being triggered by her wet chewing
entitled roommate
Associate Experience Survey Time!
How do i quit?
God forbid someone likes a genre of movies?? like there was no thought behind this😭
So crazy can’t take them anywhere 🤪
Dug and lunch
Calling out
This old video gave me such second hand embarrassment
Calling out while opening
Got in trouble for saying “I quit” on the sales floor
Oh brother why are we yelling in public
so unhealthy to promote
Tips on improving in DUG
I’m genuinely terrified
Thread reopened
My first day tomorrow… Any tips?
Just started working dug
Is DUG Any Good?