soo... the shop may be broken....
Apparently you can get lower than 4 tickets
Beautiful portrait GIF of the castle of Magus. Might make for a great wallpaper. Source link in body.
FF VII Wall Version 1.0
Giveaway] $100 PSN Gift Card - US Store
Help with findings where to get proper screws/tools for SSD?
For my favorite character
Patch Notes
Please learn hanged man fight.
Regular and Ultimate Customizations
Do you think the Quelaag cutscene would’ve been better if they showed her human body form first then the spider body?
All I hope for in part 3 is a glorious 4k slap fight in Junon
Sidequest manuscripts question after beating the game
You have to live in one of the main FF universes during the main story. Which one do you choose
Best incandescent legendary?
Can’t use keyboard on PS5
Think all my positive RNG is gone now for awhile
Do I need sunlight medals to 100% the game?
Playing another FF. What do you suggest
Missable Backstories in FF6
My son (13) submitted this as his first official Lego Ideas creation. Please support and share!
Rogue Shadow Build this season?
Besides Vaan, Who Is The Most Disliked Protagonist Of FF
Where is the Butcher is S2?
Act 3: Save All Tieflings Question