People on Reddit are claiming that $100k per year isn't a livable wage.
If you could curse someone with a lifelong minor inconvenience, what would it be?
Looking for players to play with
Update: Dye Swirls!!!
why don’t men approach me when i am out with my fat girl friends?
$5 million a year for the rest of your life, but ever time you say the word “The” you poop your pants
A rich man wants to experience the feeling of own power, so he asks you to be his servant by paying you $50,000 per month.
FTOs/CTOs - how do you deal with struggling trainees?
The cake we asked for vs the masterpiece we got..
How does organ trafficking work?
Informed this morning that all staff our meeting would be doing landscaping and yard work to "help out."
Traded for a better bottle
Every job pays $250,000 a year for full time employment. What job do you take?
AITA Did I make the wrong choice?
Worth the trade
What’s this button for?
Is Being on Strike for NY Correctional Officers the Best Option to Be Heard?
10K a month (AFI) BUT…
Using movie titles only, how would describe your last poop?
Union Ratification
Just witnessed a murder in East Hill
You are given 4 credit cards and you must use them all within 2 weeks, What do you do
Made a new friend today, he told me to come visit him every Friday.
Picked up at a local allocation drop.