I need help sexing
I was told by the lady at the pet shop that this is a female……
Used fold for fun, which one?
Finally upgraded
Rio Nanay Angels
My friends 4 year old son had this in his stack
Help please
Discus and Angelfish in this tank
Spring Hill College Gets Rid of Six Majors
When I offer you survival you say it's hard enough to live
One UI 7 be like
Has anybody else discovered that they’ve accidentally accumulated a single Pokémon collection
Am I The Only One?
Bad drivers
Red root floater bush
Is it true?
Samsung Galaxy S25, S25+ & S25 Ultra Mega Thread - Let's talk about the new features in the comment section!
A lady dropped off this massive Cory catfish with me today. She was just gonna flush him down the toilet because he "destroyed her plants." How could anyone be so heartless to such a sweet critter?
Dog Teeth/Gum Health
Triforce nintendo collection
Rescued a kitten
Stop. It's garbage and no one likes it.
Picture in picture in app
Picture-in-picture "remove" bar at the very bottom of screen s24+
[US,US] [H] modern and some mid-school rates/alts/IR’s/SIR’s], [W] PayPal