Ves life is just a circle of trama
Passive vs Active MC.
So yeah Labyrinth is so broken you can complete endurance on the very first level. (Without the shadow and extra wave hp increase traits)
Of all the body constitutions in cultivation worlds, which one were you born with, what does it do?
I actually like when protagonists are talented and have special characteristics, like bloodline
Golden Axe style character select - it made the most sense for six characters in landscape for mobile.
If a demonic cultivator isn't evil and cruel, is he really a demonic cultivator?
TIL Jai Alai is one of three sports that cannot be played left handed.
Grinding tank destroyers tech trees is so hard😭
I can type faster than 99% of people and that one dude who posted here a day ago
Seniors, I dare... you to read this!
Why was this maus doing on hill in castila? ( Wrong answers only)
How would I round this off?
I hate the Sheridan so much, but everything else is great.
Can I borrow people's time on the maushen tier 9 maus
We've gone through many iterations of the equipment UI. It took us two months to create something we finally like. Which version do you find the most intuitive?
How to behave when mc beat young master.
That time Brock Lesnar shook hands with the kid who beat his son in a wrestling match.
I've finally added the ability to send air support where it's needed!
First atmospheric cinematic trailer for the R2R game
Map order: Random or predictable?
Ace tanker