Fe question
Extroverted INTP
Why INTPs Are Drawn to Black-and-White Thinkers
What kind of intelligence do INTPs have?
ENFJ question yo...
hi enfj, can you have >5 hours call with anyone?
Question to YOU Mrs/Mrs ENFJ
My guy friend spent $100 on my birthday gift
(ENFJ women) are you attracted to men who have a tough exterior but soft interior?
Dating Tips
Dominating INTP
Wish I was an ISTJ
Relationship with ISFP
HEYY ISFPS , What's your opinion on the ISFP stereotype?
How is your sex life?
Introverted Sensing (Si
No more running… today
ENTJs what is your experience with your INTP shadow
Human interaction
How did you know you were an enfj and not an esfj?
Could you date someone who isn't as emotionally or intellectually deep as you are?
As an INTP, how do you deal with….
An empathic intp?
To you ENFJ
Are any of you extremely introverted?