When they are all collected. You snap your fingers and half of Poland disappears.
You all asked for it! This 3rd time I don't want to hear any complaining or unease
La Situación de Venezuela
Peak German Efficiency 💻🖨📃➡️💻✅️
EU brand for good quality clothes.
Most extrovert Finns 🇫🇮
C'mon Barry, this one time in history when British gunboat diplomacy is actually desired.
Western passport supremacy
Average Childhood in Mexico 🇲🇽
Better not mess with Denmark.
C'mon he just did a little Michael Corleone. This just makes him an average Sicilian/Calabrian Citizen...
Regarding recent posts here
Here we go again 🍻
Why can't we just give work to young PIGS folks? WHY OLAF!??
Why does everything have to sound like softp*rn with the French? 🤣🇫🇷
Please stop voting for Far-Right or Pro-Putin Parties. Just because you want to be dominated by a middle-aged Woman
This is a serious reel of a fashion brand. ITALIAN IS SPOT ON! 😂
Greetings to the secular state enjoyer out there. Have a good one at work today.
Look, someone developed a dating app for 2we4u users:
A Normal Day In London:
[deleted by user]
Fuck yeah !!!
Hans after that result
The winged husars of the 21th century?