How do old people keep their marriage for so long?
Would you rebuy?
How has going to raves effected your hearing?
What do people who don't drink or smoke do when they feel depressed?
Cocaine is some really really fucked up shit and we’re never touching it again
My life just ended
Question about chopping up a rock from a newbie. How fine should it be?
Question about dosing time in between. Nose started burning a little.
So long, farewell and goodbye to you Mr. Cut
Newbie-does this 1g rock look normal?
What makes you guys stop a session before the bag finishes.
What happens if i keep doing this levamisole cut cocaine?
Afraid to get a Tesla now…
Tips on quitting and getting my shit together?
questions about preparing for mdma
why do narcissists want to make others suffer?
At a club how much? 1st timer here
Why's life so sad man?
MDMA at night? Had a drink in the morning
Dose question
How do you think humanity will end? When?
MDMA breaks
Butt Plug question
Got spiked after rolling recently
Anyone take the blue LEGO?