Taking ROTC classes while not in ROTC?
A with low GPA and MCAT
Ram's Head Device Design
[WTS] Scurfa Diver One 10 year anniversary
New Strap for Murph
Unofficial packing list for CST
[Update] Seiko Refuses To Fix Bezel Ring Under Warranty. Bezel Ring Is Cosmetic.
[Update] Seiko Is Still Refusing Warranty. Bezel Ring Is Strictly A Cosmetic Feature.
[name a better field watch under $500]
MS1 questions on communication & labs
Camp Rankings
[Seiko] Seiko Is Refusing Warranty. Claiming Seiko 5 Bezel Rings Are Strictly “Cosmetic”
[Question] Seiko Repair Is Useless/Rant
TBB Key Dates FY2025
I think I screwed up..
I Got DoDMERB Disqualified. Can someone please help me with advice on what to do about trying to get waived?
It is your money!
Transfer request got denied, not sure what to do from here
Mountain warfare school badge
Out-of-cycle 25YR
My son just got a four year rotc offer at one of two schools.
Ranger School
National Guard Force Activity Designator?
Looking for a design to fill the spot to the right of the wolf, any suggestions welcome!
Army ROTC 4 Year National Scholarship Transfer