Instead of disgusting humiliation, the President of Finland awards Zelensky with highest honor.
Rehellinen kysymys: miksi emme tee rakennusten katoista valkoisia?
The invasion of the Harkonnen has begun
What does it look like I play according to this pedalboard?
Kaupunginvaltuutettu pahoinpiteli vaimoaan, syyttänyt maahanmuuttajia väkivallasta
Verot | Natalia Salmela usutti ”Jodel-salapoliisit” paljastamaan HS:n lähteitä
Musiikin opiskelu
Huumeet | Moni kokoomuslainen äänesti käyttöhuonekokeilua vastaan, vaikka vaalikoneessa kannatti sitä: ”Näin tämä toimii”
Shoutout to my pinky for keeping me in a constant state of searching.
Which guitar YouTuber do you secretly enjoy, and why is it Rick Beato?
A real circlejerkoff
I'm thinking of buying this, but is this amp lefty too? I'm not familiar with the brand.
I can see where the old guard got the nonsense from
Autistic guitar brands
Pitää vaan tietää
Who's your favorite chef and why is it Rick Beato
What Do you Think It Is? (Wrong Answers Only)
Täydellisen kananmunan keittäminen kestää 32 minuuttia, väittävät tutkijat
Salitreenin aloittaminen
Rick Beeto sounds mad. Has he lost it?
Which sunglasses should I wear for the best toan?
one lesson w/ Beato and he showed me this secret chord
does my guitar look fake? I got it a garage sale for 6 cases of natty ice! They told me that it was a “rare” gibbons from the 70s!
Which chord is this?