What are some non-necessity items you've added to your festival campsite that now you wouldn't go without?
This shirt is giving me Iron Maiden vibes…
Buying the Tickets for Everyone, Taking the Chance of Loosing Out on the Money, And Having People Pay You Back?
Any love for TAK?!
Weird and objective question but any body have any days at the sphere they think will be better?
Who are YOU removing?
What are some good mix albums that you'd consider "dawn" albums, that is music you'd play at sunrise after a night out?
Good boy runs fast
Eddie Corcoran died on 6/19
1S-LSD through airport
Ideas for a solo self care day without spending too much money?
I'm finding Insomnia a little boring
What band do you like a lot that is most unlike the Dead?
which electronic music artists evoke the most emotion from you?
Any older folks here remember when DWD came out initially...
Worst rosin brand =
How can I safely go to a concert alone?
Dense nugs
Beo had a hard time getting adopted before us because people said his face was too scary...
LSD is the substance of the gods.
Hate away on my top seen artists
Watching Brooklyn 04 and what are the best curtain with jams?
Best way to get from LV airport to Tuscany Hotel now that Shakedown shuttle is not running?
Secret Dreams Festival
How to end a trip?