If women started walking around with no shirts, would boobs go the way of the ankle with no longer being sexulized? Why or why not?
What's your "comfort" tv show?
Weird lump on wall
which storyline pissed you off the most?
why do women want to be moms?
Is this normal sibling behavior or should I separate them?
Do you think that Lip was too harsh on Fiona through this?
What happens to people with dementia or Alzheimer’s
Need a show similar to YS please please please <3
Big belly claire
AITAH for putting peanut butter on a best friends sandwich (he has a peanut allergy)
Why don’t I like boobs
Bacon is completely disgusting
Honey goes well with beans
Who are the talented actors/actresses under 40 years of age?
What do you do to feel better when you're depressed?
My little siblings as babies (2010/2012)
I took Claire (17) outside to feel the newfound spring heat
Are there any actors you have or had a crush on? These are the actresses I have or had a crush on
Series Suggestions?
I don’t really like the show
Georgie and Mandy episode 15 air date
100 days clean!!!
Drop it. Tight Tight Tight
What nicknames do you have for your cat ?