Give me a band and ill say my favorite song
freaky theseus
Does anyone know how to fix this? It's apparently connected to a random Ethernet network? I've never used Ethernet, and in gaming mode the only network available is "virtual network"
why was this posted here and why is it getting so many upvotes
who the actual fuck cares 🤦 only on reddit I guess
Are you serious?
this fortune cookie promoting gambling
Was juice a slipknot fan?
Is there a way to make caffeine work more strongly and for a shorter period of time?
Whales, have human-like fingers inside there fins; which can be seen during a dissection
Should I get back with my(M16) girlfriend(F15) for this?
Should I get back with her?
tell me how you were cheated on
Made a 12 year old fall in love with me.
guess my age gender sexuality, etc (:
Guess my age and gender, or other stuff if u want :)
Am I sensitive to caffeine?
As a straight man I wish I had an ass like Megan Thee Stallion
missing money
JK I'm kidding
AIO? Is it over?
They only put holes in the display part of the Swiss cheese
So deep
[German-English] Can anybody help me translate this song title?