Can I use my on-the-box cable with a charger that has more Watts?
Can't open a video I just made because can't verify it doesn't have malware. Question in the description.
Old border crossing between Portugal (Macau) and P.R. of China.
Prussian military passport
Argie-Swiss 🇦🇷♥️🇨🇭
Passport Cards
Super crisp Georgian Entry and Exit stamps on my Indian passport
Liechtenstein stamp 🇱🇮
isn't it a great combo
Crossing into Liechtenstein.
Liechtenstein residence permit card.
Vaduz, Liechtenstein on a cloudy day.
Italy's only exclave, “Campione d'Italia” border with Switzerland.
Fresh from the consulate.
Buenos Aires 1933 vs 2024
Not much of a passport collection
Weekend in svizzera. Quale SIM?
A soldier "turtle" ant, which uses its rounded head to block off the nest entrance.
An actual Liechtenstein passport stamp
Stamps from Georgia and Armenia in Dutch passport
Had to “lie” at paraguay customs
Italian Regency of Carnaro
My boss's passport - can't be many of these around
A nice day trip