I cant earn achievements
Sooo Noone else worried about the price of living the dream?
Does anybody have a WBFS file for Pokémon Battle Revolution so i can play it off of Wiiflow?
Idk where to put this
What firmware to use for this R4 card?
Someone please make fanmade pokemon rumble models!
Can I get a theme based on okami?
Found this poster I made in 2006! The paper is so thin, the pin I would use to put it up just kept ripping through it :'')
Can I post images of my chibi plush I take on adventures here?
How it feels to want an Okami sequel and constantly seeing news about it, only for nothing to happen yet again
Any games like this on ds or 3ds other than okamiden?
Are you able to revisit agata forest in okamiden?
What is the Great Sage’s hobby? (Wrong answers only)
[MOD POST] This is just a small fun event, show your creativity!!!
Petition to make him into a plushie (oh yeah spoiler for the true final boss ig)
Any good sites for getting ds and wii games?
Is there a new makeup music song?, because it sounds different?
What are we naming our kids, lads?
Which is better Malig Knight or Wyvern Lord?
Is it possible to emulate okami on the 3ds?
Making the serious questions: How did you pronouce Roulx's name before Chapter 2?
Drew Ammy the other day and wanted to post it here.