hi, why r u on my profile?
⁽͑˙˚̀བ̇˚́˙⁾̉ i’m now 17.. 👩🦯➡️
thanks for 10 followers!!
Who Are You In The Friend Group?
What's your top 3 music genres or artists?
What is it like to have older siblings?
How does it feel like to have boobs?
wtf going on on Instagram? Why am I getting so many fight videos?? I’m not even liking them and they keep showing up more???
what is up with insta omd
I wanna get groomed again
i turned 20 today so unfortunately i am no longer a teen and must leave :(( goodbye everyone
Birthday nails!
meme drop #2
what do yall know about ohnepixel.
Ladies, gentlemen, one at a time now please 😌
do girls find nerdy guys cute or attractive?
Sometimes I wish I was a car 🐱
You’re pretty 😼
Gang I’m winning
Where’s the car guy
Hello everyone! ☺️
Do y'all find glasses unattractive? Why or why not?
Did life get better when you got your license/car?
What age did you get your first period? Any memorable stories with it?
my last five hours of being a minor