What do you think Gordon Freeman smells like?
It’s true
Since next season might be a Star Wars season what skins would you Star Wars fans like to see?
My friend said he wanted to cook meth so I helped him out
Take a short break from doing it
Just thought so.....
Who do you want the next Icon Skin to be? I will go first:
Heavy, huh?
Should they throw away their trash can?
just do it
Guess what? Another question! What song(s) makes you wanna dance despite the meaning of it?
Show me your last saved image and I'll decide if you'll knock on Heaven's door or not
It's payday fellas!
Hat man analog horror I'm working on
Your last saved image defeated goku. What is it?
Cmon, Starbreeze. It's heist season in Fortnite right now, this is the IDEAL opportunity to bring in new players and make a great collaboration.
Who's wining
My wishlist for crossover hiests we're never going to get
This is what it looks like to be attacked for 57 nights in London
They kicked me
Maximum cringe
Just wondering does anyone know the name of the track that plays on the mission prison nightmare in payday 2?
Hay guys dallas here about to go to bed for the night