[unknown]Will we really get the 6th builder?
[UNKNOWN] March Official Clan Games Reward
Vac stops me from connecting to any match
Need help with the shinra manager queens blood duel
Do you think they will add more helpers in future updates? (made some concepts)
Cannon Cost goes DOWN from lvl 16 to 17.
Keep your training time...
Now that Training Times are being removed, just thought id give my thoughts as a veteran player for 13 yrs now...
Do i need to buy mini pass even though i have 1 event pass ready for mini spotlight?
No im not upgrading this to level 2
Potions not working?
When to give elder/co-leaders? So i started clan about 25 days ago and I was very generous about giving elder,(just gave 1 co and was about to give 1 more guy co after cwl but now doubting) and soo soo many elders
Fastest way to progress my th10 f2p?
I'm the world's strongest COC player, ask me anything