Random question.
Fuck you straight talk
Like how can you just get over it I don’t get it
Weather Megathread for March 15 - Please post here.
Having multiple baby mamas or baby daddy’s have to be a character flaw
Not to spam these, but confidence has increased in an upper-end tornado outbreak tomorrow for much of the state. Details below.
Everybody be safe not looking to good at the moment for us Mississippians either. Hoping it don’t be like a April 2011
Which Do you prefer?
Birth Control No longer effective
So are you all still rocking wit' David and Madison
Madison talks in platitudes
Seriously, what does Madison see in David? Any guesses?
Camille and Thomas
Who here, really thinks that Michelle wanted to be David’s wife?
Why doesn’t Keshia Knight Pulliam host the reunion???
Advice would help
If you could bring back to life any celebrity who died too young, who would it be?
What is a physical feature you love?
You get $500,000, but for the next year, you have to live without one of your five senses (sight, hearing, touch, taste, or smell win one would it be?
hard choice :Would you rather?
What have you been genetically blessed with, and nerfed with?
What’s an uncommon fear you have?
How many times do you pee a day?
Like some people are really meant to live in a life of singleness my mind was blown Matthew 19:11-12 (NIV):