Listed for a month, take only lowball offer?
Dealing with someone who recognizes problems in others but has a harder them with themselves.
2 kids and not many options for help on chores
Takes such a long time to get through the bedtime routine
adding a warranty to a used laptop
Dell G15 4060 for $742
what does your nighttime sleep look like?
Buying a used gaming laptop
are previous gen GPU chips in laptops good value?
As seller can I directly talk to the buyer
wife's tone is harsh, she doesn't think so. i get triggered and act defensive, she's triggered by that.
How to refill Verizoin prepaid hotspot
Using a TV as a monitor?
Using a monitor from 2006, not sure where I can upgrade to to feel the wow factor.
How to increase res past 1600p?
can ASUS GL753V go higher than 1600p?
Does MacOS feel smooth on the 8k monitor?
How to setup a short term WiFi for security cameras
Touch up paint or entire home before selling?
Should I spend 23k to add a washer/dryer to a condo before selling it?
Are high fire hazard zones harder to sell because of insurance?
Who to trust for ROI on home renovations before selling?
strategy for selling a 2/2 condo in Silicon Valley
Recommendations for a mostly work, but light video/gaming monitor on Mac
list now or in march?