Uh guys..
Is it possible to gaslight yourself into somebody else?
Body Part Deck ideas?
I tried to draw teddie again. How'd I do this time?
Why do you not play Sol Ring
Do yall also ship Kanji with Naoto?
I don’t want to die. I just don’t want to be perceived
How to be your „true self“?
Did I make the right choice?
what songs do you associate with avpd?
Now that the 2024 season is over, it’s time to talk about suggestions for MLB The Show 25!!!
upgrade from '21 to '24
How do you guys do afford this?
Good cEDH cards that create tokens for Marneus Calgar?
"his slider is just...filthy man"
I really like Esper but...
Looking for a Urban fantasy with a normal ML
Suggestions for blue white win cons?
What're your 3 "deserted island" decks?
Jundori (@city_sanzu)
Crypt is banned, but let's talk about some underappreciated mana rocks
So what will you play instead?
Upgradable interactive blue commanders?
Animecon Harem 2 and Animecon 3 audio books have been released on Audible
What’s your ground-breaking theory?