Critique is Ok
205 hours later, I finally hit Diamond!
3 Sheild breaks, 3 stocks, less than a minute (I think they gave up on the last one lol)
Buffered Shield Dropping (BSD) - New Rivals 2 Tech!
Weren't streamers supposed to promote the game?
Kagaribi #13 reaches A tier status purely off international players
AMA with OpenAI’s Sam Altman, Mark Chen, Kevin Weil, Srinivas Narayanan, Michelle Pokrass, and Hongyu Ren
Poll: If ASI Achieved Consciousness Tomorrow, What Should Its First Act Be?
The Last Xanadu
Starting today, we are banning Twitter/X links as stand-alone posts on r/SSBM.
PirateSoftware's threat to the streamers who reacted
I learned the best productivity hack
Beebo needs a more intuitive way to cycle through his RMB.
TIL the average high-school graduate will earn about $1 million less over their lifetime than the average four-year-college graduate.
What would the Title be called for Smash Bros. 6?
Adrian Dittmann accidentally implies he's Elon Musk on Fortnite Fridays
I think I finally figured out why I find this game frustrating: Everyone I play against feels like melee sheik
Couldn't find anything
Ok, pls explains these orbs over NY
ROA 2 Ranked but there's a vine boom every time the servers hate us.
What's happening here?
RapMonster shows off his epic prizes after defeating Hax at the final Xanadu Monthly!
I saw turndownforwalt's recent video, and this screenshot got me thinking. Was there anything worse for melee as a whole, than Armada retiring? Curious of others' opinions.
Loved it but…too much plot armor?
Buffered Tilt Boosting - Cool Rivals 2 Tech!