Finally got Siege Jetfire after the reissue, and was not prepared for quite how big this guy is!
Is the animated clone wars good?
If you were to be a padawan then who would you want as your Master???
What's your favorite voice acting performance in the Star Wars franchise ?
Best Lightsaber Duel in the entirety of Star Wars
What’s your favorite Clone Wars-era war crime?
What was the first figure you ever got? Or that you can remember, Here's mine.
Since it's International Women's Day, share your favorite Arcee design
Finally got my hands on Jetfire
Of all of the purchases I’ve made, this has got to be the most gutsy, Beast Wars Neo Randy in box
Favorite soundtracks besides the movies
Do you feel that The Phantom Menace actually works as a good introduction to the universe/franchise?
If Lucasfilm handed you full creative control over a brand-new Star Wars live-action Disney+ series, what would you create? No retcons or remakes—just fresh, original ideas!
Did anyone else check out after Disney cast aside the Expanded Universe
In the Canon Clone Wars, what battles were Separatist Victories?
Make your own character down below!
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The "Man in the Suit" creator Unknowingly has cancelled the series due to the fandom's toxicity. To say this "sucks" is selling it short.
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