Which character singlehandedly made you drop an anime?
Favorite protagonists?
Favorite characters from series you don't enjoy/aren't into.
Shame is a powerful motivator, people shouldnt be ashamed to use it.
Whats a popular type of game you just can't get into/hyped about?
What's a game that you really, really, really, REALLY want to like, but just can't?
What is the best original quote you have come up with on your own?
What are ways to improve mental health without going to a therapist or doctor?
Help me watch one piece
How to deal with thoughts of self destruction and depression at home?
Why is intimacy so scary?
How many of you have never dated?
Your SECOND favorite character/why & favorite fight scene of theirs?
Which anime character is basically this?
Is socializing a skill you can build or is it something you need natural talent in?
How long does if take for a lawyer to get in touch after something happens?
Convoluted “simple” powers game
Anime opinions that will have you like this. Mine is Aldnoah.ZERO S1 and 2 are good
What characters in your mind do you think would have the sickest Domain Expansion !?
Has there ever been a character you disliked so much you had to drop the series?
Yk what to do pt2
Relationship with a true narcissist.
You don't need to have a good attitude while you're working as long as it gets done
[ Question ] Who is the most iconic character in gaming for you? The face of Videogames, Why?
Why doesn't my Xbox one controller work on pc?