What would you do with this awkward under staircase space?
Why do so many people think kids are parasites?
What character did you have high hopes for but completely let you down as the seasons kept going.
Frank's IQ
what do u hate/dislike abt ur fav tvd character?
I love the Mikey O’Shea scenes
Lip is the hardest and least forgiving when it comes to Fiona
Lip Hate-Post
If I was a father yes that information would be hard to hear but no way I’m calling my daughter a WHORE💀
I missed this guy so much after he left, I wish he would have rejoined the series after his small appearances in season 5.
Between Stefan and Klaus, who's more "brooding"?
Your a bad drunk🙂↕️
Do you think Klaus is a "good person"?
Bianca’s Suicide in S5
What the fuck, kev.
Debbie is so controlling omg why didn't I notice untill season 11 ep 7
Which was worse, liz death or Enzo death
Would you date/have a more or less serious romantic relationship with Cassie from the first season?
How is it like declaring a concentration for your major?
Who's the better/worse person out of these characters?
Fiona's ex fiance on Chicago Fire
just a thought about debbie
It actually shocked me when I watched it for the first time
50 days 50 questions: day 1: Fav season?