Vi’s Physique Appreciation
On Request: I Work SVU in NYC. AMA
Which one do you like, java or Bedrock, and why?
Will there be a season 2 of win or lose ?
Just Bitchin - Weekly Vent
Where was I in may 2023?
After Party Vi's POV by me [wickedpan_]
Do you listen to songs during sex?
How did yall ask your gf to be your gf??
Rafael Barba once said:
Help me find this lesbian music video!
Out of all the characters that was featured in Win or Lose, which character do you relate to?
i need her to judge me so hard that i quit yearning and get my shit together 😭
What am I if I don’t like touching vagina, kissing a girl, giving oral but can be physical turned on by viewing porn with women in it? Bi sexual sub or questioning always point me towards lesbian
Are lesbians even real
I can't go on!
what's the most breathtaking place you've ever visited?
Theres just no excuse for this at My age.
I got to appreciate how Arcane showed that Vi is one of the strongest fighters in Runeterra
Underrated gems recommendations (2ND GEN)
Do you genuinely believe someone can be a lesbian and have dated men before?
What photograph do you think best represents the dark side of our civilization?
got this note on my car today
If you were assigned as the director for a new lesbian film, what would the plot be?