[MB2] Indicate (Playtest Card)
Other than humans, were there any major invasive species in the ancient and medieval world? Did any come to replace another species that's now extinct, or were they dealt with?
Why didn't Morty saved his place in this moment? Is he stupid?
You can play music for NPC's! They give gold for preforming
Does Nest of Scarabs still trigger when putting -1/-1 counters on a creature with +1/+1 counters?
What is the most creative insult you’ve ever heard?
If there were, according to Wikipedia, five good emperors, does that mean all other Roman emperors were evil or incompetent?
[MOM] Polukranos Reborn // Polukranos, Engine of Ruin
Do you like fish?
I hope you can take expansive tours of your empire, especially if you recreate the Roman Empire
Mercenaries need to be treacherous assholes.
Released 10 years ago yesterday - Rooster Teeth: A 10 Year Retrospective
Imagine fucking up so badly you caused the very thing you were trying to prevent
Who was Korra's most scariest / threatening antagonist ?
Unconfirmed leak from Bilibili on the upcoming leader pack DLC
Japan PM asked German leader to help remove "comfort women" statue .
Stars n' Stripes n' Steroids: Captain America Super Soldier - Marvel Mondays
After finishing all three Dragon Age games, the most important advice I can give anyone is if you play a Dwarf Commoner, do the Urn of Sacred Ashes AFTER Orzammar. [dao spoilers]
The story of Hannibal marching elephants across the alps is so insane that it's stood the test of time as a legend, what other historical batshit insane military ideas do you think are in the same "you want to do what?" category?
What is the most renegade action you can take (subjectively) in the Mass Effect trilogy?
I need help getting files off of my late fathers Sony IC- Recorder from around 2003.
Instances of safe conduct/parlay being offered only for one side to murder the other in history?
The Congress of Vienna (part 1)