Super earths strongest solider (Kinda spoilers for invincible)
Super earth variant of Mark
It is insane to me that THIS was at one time the lineup for a main X-men title
Donald the goat
Could Mark impregnate Dupli-Kate and make her clone herself multiple times before birth to create an army of Mark's?
Do you think V.III O'Keeffe will be friend or foe in Amour'd Core?
Has this happened to you guys?
I wished these two invincible variants would’ve got a redemption arc
Why doesn't Cecil make them body build, hook them up on horse tranquilizers, make them clone themselves and then euthanize the clones to make more reanimen?
Does anyone else take 10-15 deciding what drip to wear before diving?
50 evil Immortal variants arrive to Earth
I know it was inevitable but it still hurts to watch
Favorite white/silver haired character?
Why did NetEase just shadowdrop this "ForgetMeNot" character without any trailer or buildup? Logged in and he was just there. Never even heard of him before
I NEED this jacket. Any help finding brands, style or name would be very much appreciated!
Donald appreciation post
Donald Ferguson unironically more heroic than almost all the superheroes
Creating a Different Species with a Different Gender
Hot take, but I like Kate and Immortal, and I think they both made great points during the argument. Rex and Rae were too emotional; Kate and Immortal were logical. Also Kate did go through just as much as Rex some might say even worse.
My Warbond concept, The Beast Masters! [OC]
I'm 5'10". Could I achieve Wolverine's physique?
I think I know who 621 is...
Mirrored Kasuar Head(s)