Update on Our Next Expansion's Release Date (Expansion 6)
Early leveling feels like such a slog.
An old animation film to watch - Fantastic Planet (La Planète sauvage)
This is it?
Why does Leia have one really long fingernail in RoTJ?
Arizona firmen putting out a Mexican fire.
A new pet for taming
Remember to log out somewhere with Rested EXP tonight!
Sister Hospitaller (Order of the Rising Phoenix) - "Heal so they can fight again! For the Emperor!"
Yes I'm late woohooo!
Blue Skies!?!
Got two 40k tattoos in two weeks!
What is one thing you’ve done sexually that you’ll never do again?
If NMS were to drop a Living Freighter on a future update where do you think a player's ship would dock, front or back?
I get the feeling that they do this on purpose
Why make the same regurgitated misleading article every time? We know it's not an update or dlc. It's always a role event or twitch drops.
On a nationwide road trip. They wouldn't even let me in the lobby for pictures :(
Anyone else having pick commitment issues?
When and why did you stop playing guild wars 1 for the first time?
Why doesn’t anyone go “Helmetless”?
Fashion Wars (Virtuoso, Herald, Catalyst)
current MMORPG question relating to gw1
Finished my first MCP mini, The Winter Soldier!
How do you guys stay motivated enough to finish the game?