I swear my rats are toddlers
Update to free disabled rat in closing pet store - meet Spinner!
Obviously I hide the best treats inside my ears
Recently finished this painting of two galaxy rats catching stars :) Painted in acrylics.
I come home and what do I find!? SECRETS!
What is the meanest (funniest) thing your rat did to you? 😃
Our TV caught fire last night...
Anyone else played "pretend sex" as kids or am i just weird?
Secret snack club
why are my rats are making out?
Has anyone developed rat allergies after getting rats?
How many rats fit in a tube? Our girls: “Yes”
Partners mum diagnosed, do we rush to get married?
What would you have liked to know before having rats?
This folded rat is 3 years old, and his name is Quinn.
My dad has brain cancer, I'm sixteen
HELP hamster back arching and sporadic behaviour
Advice for the little ones
What you battery at right now?
UK People of Reddit, Where is the best place to get a sausage roll?
(i let my rats use my phone and the first thing they do is go on reddit💀, the rest is what my rats had ti say) ? n
What is your gerbil doing right now?
What obscure subreddit are you subscribed to?
Adults 25 and up, when’s the last time you stayed up the entire night or did a full on sprint?