Movie Tails' Creations Appreciation
Hottest of Cybertron day 11: Nightbird
Best moments day 3: what was Raphael’s greatest moment?
Comment IDW covers that have early Archie energy
With their Science Fiction stories are getting a collection, what other genres are you hoping for?
You get the chance to make your own line up of Egg bosses, who makes the roster?
Best moments day 2: what was Donatello's greatest moment?
Hottest of Cybertron day 10: Shockwave
With a cast like this I wanna know what it was like on set
Barnes and Nobles has some cool leather omnibuses of books (example at end) so I made some cover mockups
How do you feel about the prospect of The High Republic ending?
My heart demands Sonic Compendiums but my brain say “in what world?”
Best moments day 1: what was Leonardo’s greatest moment?
Hottest of Cybertron day 9: Soundwave
Which Sonic comic would you like a big compendium of? (despite the unlikely hood)
Who do you think the most tragic character is
Who do you like as Tails’ rival?
Hottest of Cybertron day 8: Starscream
What are you grabbing this March?
Characters with unintentional kitty ears
What are you checking out this March?