Looking for nothing, offering my Armored Mewtwo!
Jungle core ideas! Need ideas for items to use and where.
VIP bracelet
Does he look healthy??
Looking to get a camera for my vivarium?? Any recommend names or links??
Try to see if you can guess my favorite type. Might be a bit hard.
Adding more POKEMON I repeat POKEMON you tell me to
Anyone good at hourglass combat?? If so can you help me level up??
Be honest, did I cook with this starter?
My sloth bracelet broke today😭 do you think I'll get a replacement?
Does the mark charm show if a pokemon is shiny as well as marks??
No one in my real life plays or cares about Animal Crossing. Want to check out my island? DA-6090-1848-0644
Trying to get VIP Bracelet!!
Are these good names for a bear grass starter for a Japanese region?
Trying to get VIP bracelet.
Is he shedding or fired down??? If he is fired down should I worry???
My beautiful boy Socks 🤍 (swipe to see baby pics)
I badly need help with entrance ideas I tried to create one but it looks bad. I play on console.
Anybody know what this is?
What is this? I found it near durdle door.
Is this something cool or just a boring pebble??
Should I eat kitsune over light which I currently am????
Trading kitsune for dragon
Anyone trade a dragon for a kitsune
Is he shedding