Migration from ASA to palo alto
Destination Cert Master Class
Palo Alto Networks Pan-OS & Falcon Next-Gen SIEM?
Help with creating query for NGSIEM ingested data..
To the people that passed net+ followed by sec+, how hard did you find it compared to net+?
Anyone use CS Falcon MDR and use Defender?
Mentorship Monday - Post All Career, Education and Job questions here!
Taking BTL1 before HTB CDSA?
I am now Officially CISSP Endorsed!
There are Government Job not posted on USAJOBS
What are you guys using after WSUS?
Debating going ejpt or BTL1
How long does it take to be reviewed?
I’m finally official CISSP!!
CrowdStrike Free 10GB Ingest - How to Send Palo Alto Logs
Endorsement timeline question
2 wild play in the same game..
What’s next after CISSP
Cam Newton RTG
What’s some dynasty changes you like to see?
How long did you guys study??
I just can’t cause fumbles!!
For the people in the IT field who lack knowledge, how do you go about solving something?