Selling stuff! Nesting for 70, and two herbs ( Uvuma-Omhlope, and umganu) need gone ASAP bc I am saving for male slot
Keep, sell, or chase? What's her value?
Iridescent Beauty!
Does your cav watch tv
Is this tank good for a 13 year old?
…I think it’s because me and my mate are both female?
Let's see everyone shit auquarium from when they were a kid. This is my betta that lived in a bowl when I was 10. Died in 3 weeks r.i.p. not proud if it.
If you happen to be interested I am selling unsexed glass belly guppies on ebay. Oldest fry is almost a month (more to be born very soon). If this is not allowed please remove my post!
Ummm, huh?
[GA] - Somerville, MA - used 20g tank
Is this tank oppropriate for a betta?
Can you write your username with your eye closed
Is this fair?
Guppy fry not eating
[Product request] Hi! I am a 15 year old female and my face looks 3/4 years older than I am.
Hello, I'm a 15 year old female that looks like I am 3/4 years older than I am.
Hello, I'm a 15 year old female that looks like I'm atleast 3/4 years older than I actually am
Hello, if you are looking for new additions to your tank I am selling glass belly guppies for pre-order on ebay. The fish are either just born or about to be. (If not allowed remove this!)
Guppies and Plecos for sale
I seemed to have really blue eyes until I hit puberty? Do you think they are still blue?
Feline brother still skeptical
(LF) Georgia $0-10 2-3 Cheap female guppies
Looking for 2-3 cheap female guppies
Can anyone tell what gender it is? The tail looks sort of female but the pet store container said male