A clue that this person is alive in the present?
What is everyone's opinion about Phillip and Eloise having biological children?
Eloise's "Prophet Hyacinth" moment
What’s the in universe reason why Dustin questioned The power rangers existence?
Any good Merlin and Uther fanfics?
Why was Shauna even allowed to...
Books like Meddling Kids by Edgar Cantero
Nat and Travis's teen relationship
Making the worst fucking family ever for a custom world
I’d be her friend
Any protective knights fic in which the knights are actually protective of Arthur instead of Merlin?
What fandom introduced you to fanfictions?
Walter is sus
What type of wedding would you like to see in future season?
Yellowjackets S03E04- “12 Angry Girls and 1 Drunk Travis” Post-episode Discussion
Be Honest, would YOU have eaten Jackie?
What should I name her?
Would it actually be that big a deal if they just admitted to the survival cannibalism?
Do we all think this is Melissa?
Are we ready to hate Shauna?
On this day these things premiered
Class Difference and Privilege
Favorite character that’s gonna kill the assassin?
Evil Queen had a son