H: rf set W: glowing / leader offers
H: loon W: ll8 offers
H: BOS JS W: offers no leaders
H: masks W: leaders / apparel / glows
H: rf set W: leaders / offers
H: masks W: leaders
H:Red Asylum + RF Set W:Leaders
H: Glow honeybee/glow scorchbeast/buffoon/feind/hag W: to get rid asap for leaders, don't mind a slight underpay
H: non glows W: 40 leaders per
H: this gat plas W: leaders / ll8 / masks
H: 1200 leaders W: rf set or tlc
H: Glowing Unicorn W: G alien + G pig
H:2000 fury, 280 bobblehead big guns and 15 conductors w:offers
H: 5k physcobuff W: leaders or magazines offers
H: 4k leaders W: mask bundles ( will check back in about an hour or so )
H: demon + hag mask W: bulk overdrive or physco
H:RF Uniform W:Leaders plz
H: 3200 leaders W: your best glowing bundles
H: leaders W: 5 vanguards / 4 2*strength and 5 rangers
H: Rejuvenators W: 2x Furious
H: gsb W: non glow offers
H: 3k leaders W: your best glowing bundle (will check in an hour or so)
Here is the location of Campers Lunchbox! Find the shack on the hill at the marker and its inside , go get yours!!
H: 10 leaders W: grape mentats
H: prototype lvl1 hazmat suit W: to know its worth (I’ve seen lvl1 is legacy right?)