WB MEGA TYRANITAR 3073 1579 6066
Mega SCEPTILE 3614 5156 4912
Want to do an EggLocke
Trade Requests Weekly Megathread
2109 2276 2173 adding 10
Mega swampert 7809 7411 2112 starting ASAP
What should be my next Pokémon game?
WB REGIGIGASS 7509 6805 7227 & 5078 7543 5124
WB altaria 7809 7411 2112
Can you guess what my favorite type is?
New Patch will be released next week - It won’t address any of the community concerns, only some competitive issues
Shiny Giveaway
Weekly r/PokemonSwordAndShield Trading Megathread. Week of April, 2023
Guys... I found him...
They do exist... Only cost $600,000 at auction
Who is your favourite new pokemon and why?
Best apriball and Pokémon combos?
Playthrough team. Want to turn it into a comp team. Is this good team? Type coverage wise? More in comments
Scarlet Violet 6IV Ditto Link Trade Giveaway!