Daily sticky thread for rants, raves, celebrations, advice and more! New? Start here!
Im going to overdose on something
Can't remove posts
Bioinformática/Data science lá fora?
Are dating apps even worth it?
Não obrigado, vai tu
Irlanda - oferta de emprego farmacêutica HPLC
No outro sub defendema violência da autoridade em zonas problemáticas, será mesmoa essa a solução para tudo?
Sonho de criança cumprido
When I was 24 I had a full blown "Nice guy" breakdown that I deeply regret
Onde encontrar um dermatologista que realmente saiba o que faz?
Response to someone saying having a good personality is attractive. He seems to assume is referring only to men. (Rant in comments)
NGVC: "Hey cutie"
Schizoaffective disorder ruined a lot of relationships and I want them back :(
Os Napa ganharam o festival da canção e isso é bom
30 [M4R] Portugal. Broke my hand, looking for company
Vizinho esquizofrénico é um perigo para a filha e vizinhos
Any tips on how to remove this?
Tips for losing 5-10 kg a month
What was your first haul?
Why not?
Fighting seborrheic dermatitis for over 10 years. It got worse
EA WRC failed to initialize steam API
Which is more profitable? Software engineering or pharmacy?
Swollen and very sensitive scalp