Is one month of dating too soon to check in and see how they feel?
Is 1 month too soon to check in about how they're feeling?
Should I check in to see if they're still interested in me?
How long should I wait until asking for exclusivity?
Chasing the hottest guy will ruin my dating life
boyfriend of 4 years left me last night, I'm shocked
How do you get over someone who is just really attractive?
What’s the longest it’s taken you to get over someone and why do you think that is/was?
What hobbies do you enjoy doing on your own?
Do you actually like your life?
What's your story post breakup?
Struggling to feel fulfilled being single
My (30F) Boyfriend (30M) of 5 months can't last more than 10 seconds... need advice on how to proceed with breaking up with him?
Would you date yourself? Why or why not?
So now that you are here, do you believe “It is better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all?”
How did you finally break out of long-term grief over a relationship breakup?
My ex girlfriend is dating someone else, and I am feeling depressed.
Do you think you’re attractive? Why or why not?
Every day I have to choose not to reach out to the ex that I miss
How long does it take to get over this (we were together for 1.5 yrs)? 😭
For those that wish their ex would contact them, why don't you contact your ex?
Stop Chasing Your Ex – It’s Just Chemicals Messing With You
Is anyone here post 5 months+ breakup?
Dumping someone when you really want it to work sucks.
Is it better to have a unfulfilling relationship than no relationship at all?