How do you deal with Hwoarang mixups 😭
Now that we pretty much know that a lot of Tekken 7 DLC characters are making a return as Tekken 8 DLC: who are you hopeful for? For me, it's Miguel.
What character archetype have I not used yet?
What item do you need back ASAP?
I just feel the correct button’s aura
Would you recommend FF16 to me?
How many characters do you play?
Why can jun party throws.
If you could bring back a T7 version of any character into T8, who would it be?
controller problem
What’s Wakka upset about now?
What's your controversial gaming opinion?
What are y’alls thoughts on FFX?
Curious about thoughts on 16
High rank Clive mains, what do you like about him?
Draw Dark Souls 1 by memory, part 4
FF7 Remake, Rebirth and Re...?
What do u think
Who's your main and Why?
Which character would you choose to be your master?
Games where the main character is painfully dumb
When you spend time on Twitter / X and everyone is weird and says they "prefer" Tekken 7s plastic faces and skin over Tekken 8's more photorealistic look 👀
Anna mains, is wavu's description accurate?
Cheating? Or does Lee have a special hurtbox thing?
I think THIS character is coming back in season 2