We back boys and girls!!!
New accounts in this sub talking sh*t count your days
Announcing my departure
Another 420 doge secured 💪
I seriously regret not taking profits at.41
Here we go
Now we just need to see how cpi comes out tomorrow and we might have a small rally. We might be coming for you guys that are above 20 cents soon lol. For people in the 30's, I'm expecting for us to hit it before July. Just be patient 😂
as for me , i like the coin
oNe DoGE EQUal OnE DOge
At this point Biden did more for crypto then trump
From having a gambling addiction too a doge addiction ever time when doges get a dip I just buy more doge
What is going on
If I'm HODLing, so can you.
30 cent holders. Hows it going lol
What are your expectations for the crypto summit today?
It's doing the same thing it did four years ago
$4.20 end of march
For the people that crying that doge is over
21 F
I wanna play games with someone and talk drama (30f) (Netherlands, your country doesnt matter)
Let the bull run begin tonight😈
23/f looking for someone to talk to and play games with
20m trying get snap streaks and meet new people