Why is this card banned: wrong answers only
Why does the friendliest character have the most unfriendliest players?
The fact that this can still happen in Grandmaster is crazy.
Streamer skin event is one of the worst ideas I have ever seen
Identify this sound
Need help with how Fisher's Talent is worded: Do you always draw the card?
I could in theory turn a a nightmare token into a coward then tap abyssal harvester and keep the token correct?
Me teaching jade to wave,i think he's picking it up!!! He's also trying to say hi baby
Mark Rosewater's list of the top 20 worst mechanics of all time
Does anyone have any ideas which cards to use for a Dandân like format but instead of using Dandân you use these three cards?
Blorpityblorpboop Copies?
Bum bag (fanny pack) I made
What's the most ridiculous way you've won a game?
GF is frustrated by usually being the target for just being at the table
What's Your Biggest (Actual) Hot Take That You're Probably Wrong About Yet Still Believe?
Which commander were you the most excited to build but hated playing it and why?
A year on, what do we think of Tom Bombadil?
What are you building right now? Why are you building it and what are your goals?
Hatsune Miku Secret Lair bonus card!
Do you have any sayings?
Vocaloid queen Hatsune Miku is coming to Magic: The Gathering
Who is gonna play it here?
What are your "Pie in the sky" Universes Beyond wishes?
lightstick question
When I catch y'all non ticket holders istg