Happy to See You Again (by @bessie_nessie)
My hero academia
Good Morning with Pokémon, Surfing Edition (from the official Pokémon Instagram account)
Kissing her boy 😘 @byDynaMight
Twirl and Kiss 💞 (by @ximeni_)
Chapter 429 Blooper (by @Amanonei; read left to right)
*gasp* Hand-holding?! (by @bessie_nessie)
Oblivious Izuku (by @ximeni_; read left to right)
'One Piece' English dub episodes from Egghead Part-1 (eps. 1109-1122) starts streaming on Crunchyroll on March 18
💞 (by @pukikopukikou)
Question about our cinnamon roll
His Protector (by @bessie_nessie)
Torch Song Stats Pushed (per PokeMiners Discord)
Deku and Uraraka
Happy Them 💖💚 (by @YSHEAN3)
Stylish couple 💗💚 by @MU_1_2
Feeding her valentine
Middle School IzuOcha (by @ImNotYourSimp)
Good soup ~ (from the official Pokémon Instagram account)
Anesthesia (Mini Comic) [@dokidokicat via Instagram]
when he tryna be serious but you just happy to be there
Different styles, same affection 💕 (from the official Pokémon Instagram account)
❄️ (by @yukinoineko)
A chance to see their relationship? Fingers crossed. Credit: https://animecorner.me/my-hero-academia-gets-new-manga-one-shot-return-in-may/
Is this real? Credit: https://animecorner.me/my-hero-academia-gets-new-manga-one-shot-return-in-may/