i got banned for the dumbest reason
minecraft ravine seed
found this new youtuber on the platform, i find their content a bit funny
what is the stupidest reason you've been to the ER?
you'll never guess what free minecraft usernames i found
Which of these biomes would YOU add to vanilla Minecraft? 🤔
My printer printed a 2 foot by three foot black page of its own volition and then said it was out of black ink.
what is wrong with my game
would you rather (weird but cool questions edition)
would you rather
Give this game a name
what crappy super power would you choose?
You see this coming at you what’s your next move
How Can I Protect My Daughter from Vulgar Music Without Being Too Pushy?
Please help - 12 year won't go to school
If you suddenly had an unlimited amount of money, what’s the first thing you’d buy?
What is the weirdest thing about your country's history?
found 1960s jean jacket, guess im gonna live the 20s as the 60s, and when i mean 20s i mean 2020s, it looked liked, is it good?, give feedback
pokemon omega ruby
What's the weirdest law you know?
If you had to choose one type of fruit to go extinct, what would it be and why?
what’s something you saw on the internet that scarred you when you were young?
What was the most blunt thing your teacher ever said?