I don’t like my work but not sure what other work I could do?
How to deal with lack of empathy?
Dutch people in Spain
Found this absolute gem of a picture on my Pinterest feed
Ik snap er geen mallemoer van
Speaks for itself ig
I not need anymore donkey chin
Overworked or bad reaction to ink?
Do tattoos have to have a theme?
I (19F) was raped by someone else while in a relationship with (19M)
Verkoper met andere intenties...
Afraid cuz I'm just "average"?
My boyfriend is against masturbation & tiktok
Is this sexual harassment? Can I/should I still report?
Movies you only watch in your native language
At my local pizza/sub shop.
I’m tired of autistic men always having excuses made for their behaviors.
My cactus shows when i stopped smoking..
Autism is an Excuse
Did I experience sexual assault as a kid or is it all in my head?
Recordings at tonight's show?
Allergic to my special interest
How my dad shows his love. (I live in northern Utah)
Ik wil (geen) vlees!!!!!!!!!!!! Fijne zonnige zondag iedereen :)
My 20F girlfriend kissed one of my best friends and I am having a hard time moving forward 20M. What should I do?