The Sounds of Lava
Stick-like hairs in my beard. Left hairs are typical, farthest right are like actual twigs growing on my face.
Pop Culture Ref Source: "Mmmnyes?"
he loves to sit like this
I 3D sculpted and printed a Lava Cookie!
My attempts at some Legend ZA megas! Who do you hope gets a mega in lumiose?
Sweet and earthy? It smelled good so I was hoping this would be recognizable. The leaves are also fuzzy and there was a dried up flower that grows with it
My cat does a pawrimiter security check every night and I think it’s the cutest thing
Plant that was described as "feeling like rolling in fiberglass" after being in it by my sister's boyfriend. In Victoria, Australia.
What do people want to see from Pókemon in terms of graphics?
Credit for this pink kitchen?
A couple lost their engagement ring at the beach. Detectorist comes to the rescue and saves the day.
[OC] 1st Attempt Terastal Charizard
Is there a male/masculine presenting version of Chansey?
[OC] Just painted these bad boys! Wooden Cards with Acrylic
It's really starting to piss me off atp
NO. 0004
Meganium Lovers Rise Up
Pokemon that you think should get a Mega Evolution?
Asked not to 'stair' - elevator at a hotel in Chennai, India
A book in Pakistan depicting Elon Musk as the devil
What are the ethics of transferring Pokemon from older saves to a new save file?
Carnibud (Pre-evo Carnivine)
TIL Theodore Roosevelt was shot during a speech and kept talking for 84 minutes. He got shot in the chest, but because he had a thick speech manuscript in his pocket, the bullet was slowed. He refused medical attention, continued his speech, and said, "It takes more than that to kill a bull moose."
This "Chiropractic Wellness Center" has half of its sign misaligned