What's a game/s you own that ended up randomly becoming rare/or expensive?
Appreciate the feedback on my charizard.
Silent Hill F looks like Shenmue 🤯
Negative post alert: It feels like dunkey is sick of making videos, and is getting too predictable.
Bumper repaint costs? And diminished value advice?
Who else watched porn on their PSP?
Pokémon card addiction / gambling
All game collectors, what do you do for a living?
Consoom all the PlayStation 5 things, keep them sealed, keep them safe.
*Update on 30 packs opened of Poke Rev 6.0*
PUBG 8th Anniversary is coming! What activities are you looking forward to?
What was your family’s first computer? And when?
Seat Cleaner Recommendations?
my friends, i have a 1e char here is it real? if not what is on and what is off because i’m convinced
Be free my children…
Made a big trade today… 10 cards away from a complete 1st edition set!
Is this real ?
Not expecting PSA10 here..
I'm looking to buy some older (worthless) pokemon cards to collect, I stumbled upon this seller who has a bunch for cheap, are they real?
Unlimited Zard
Is this Cubone real?
Bought off eBay, is it fake?
Is this Dark Raichu real?
Real or fake?
In light of the current BestBuy situation