Mistakes in the shop make me feel like a bad machinist
What are some entry level positions that pay decently ($20/hr+) that you could get with a few online certs?
Want practice memorizing g/mcodes
Trying to prove out programs with no machine
Is it realistic for me to retrain myself on cnc programming and find a job?
Homework interviews: Super dumb question here
Machining for oil rigs/refineries
I hate no headphones rules.
My professor keeps talking about a big shortage in accounting
What majors are actually good right now?
What other kinds of jobs can I take on with an accounting degree?
I just don’t wanna be poor
Anyone work for electric boat in Rhode Island?
What jobs did you work?
Is WGU a good school for a cybersecurity degree? Or any IT related degree?
Getting real sick of machining
Do You Love Your Job
Online degree programs?
Is the company overworking me or am I overreacting?
Does pre-engineering work experience matter?
How do I know when I can call myself an actual machinist and not just an operator?
I can’t log into my account
Need to file taxes but can’t login
Recommendation Central
Any Recommendations for Simple games for beginners?