How to get corrected when speaking English
That is vs This is
spare or severe?
What is the difference between these two sentences: "Is drinking bad", and "is it bad to drink"
Bring me over a beer, bring a beer over for me, bring over a beer for me?
“It’s really lackluster to chat with him.” “It’s really lackluster chatting with him.” Do these both sound natural and correct?
I am not a rigger, but I am a people pleaser…
Breeding Kink, Risk-Taking
How do you explain yourself to someone who does not understand your kinks or why you do them?
Should the correct option be A or C?
It started with crumbs in the bed—now I (26F) resent my partner (31M) for working from home
My bf initiated sex while I was half asleep
How should I proceed after hooking up with one girl while being attracted to another?
Please help me
My husband ruined sex for me
My (22M) gf (23F) wants me be more rough in bed, but I just can’t, I don’t know what to do?
Help, I’m obsessed
What does top 95.2% mean as an actual number?
how do you reply to nudes? do you say thank you? do you compliment them?
Is my 25 M bf being selfish or me? 25 F
subs: what’s the first act to ever bring you deep into sub space?
How to be more creative than just saying 'bad girl'?
What are your favorite and least-favorite swears/curses?
If you were in a long-term, rocky dating relationship, what helped you make the decision one way or another?
Why My School Canceled the Flat Stanley Project