Will RotND realest on GOG?
Learned hard way what Scroll of need do, when you don't need anything...
The music is constantly stuttering/clicking for me.
Don’t hide your shame: How many games do you own on steam?
How to dive in the Eora Lore?
What's the total number of single and multiclass options in deadfire?
Started my POTD campaign with five bear companion ranger/druids who spirit shift into bears. Nothing like charging down you enemies with an entire heard of 10 angry floofs
Book 1's plot when passed through many layers of Google translate then back into English
Despite my gripes with Aaravos in Arc 2, this scene made me respect his skills
So my friend start Stormlight... Gancho's on to something
How is SZ in Szeth Pronounced?
Which Shard combination do you want to see?
Elysium Boss
With which weapon do you have the fastest clear?
Is it okay for 12 yr old read to read TWOK
I am 80 hours in and this is the first time I have ever encountered a room like this one, there were also 8 enemies around the crossbow. How rare is it? Did anyone else here also encounter it?
Potential Kabbalah inspiration for Surges structure
The more I read the truer it gets
What are some tips for this game?
Seems we found something left of the Red Mountain
Got invested a little too much into exploring Crater
Relative Pronouns in Polish
Wha-.. What have i done??
What is your current (or favourite) backstory for the character you're playing